
All posts for the day March 16th, 2014

Life sucks……and then you die

Published Sun 16th March 2014 by willowmoonshadow

I think I need a little motivation in my life.

I go to work, I come home, I watch TV, I surf the net, I go to bed.

This is pretty much a summation of my life at the moment.

And I find it all extremely DULL!

Yet I can’t seem to find the inspiration I need to get up and DO something.

It doesn’t help that my housemate seems to CONSTANTLY feel the need to bore me senseless with random and meaningless drivel.

This seems to add to my feelings of boredom and makes me feel generally fed up of everything.

I wish I could find whatever it is that gives me a reason to DO something, and therefore DO something, instead of just going about in a well of despair and depression.

When you are a child you are in such a rush to be a “grown up” that you fail to appreciate the simple pleasures in life.

To appreciate being carefree and responsibility free.

Being an adult means having to make sure you have money to pay bills, to eat, to do housework, and a million and 1 other things that slowly crush the life out of you.

Sometimes I wish I could do what kids do, build a fortress made out of sheets and cushions and play.

I sometimes think that growing up sneaks up on you whilst you are asleep, you are unaware of it until one day you suddenly realise you are no longer a child, with dreams and fantasies, but an adult, that has to “conform” to society, get a job, a house, and usually, get married, have kids and “settle  down”.

And then you die.